Tag Archives: escolar

Cuomo signs the Ex-Lax fish bill

Andrew CuomoSeriously, you read that headline correctly. Among the bills signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday is legislation that would ban the sale of escolar — a fish that causes some cases, uhhh, distressing gastrointestinal effects for diners — by any other name. Because only Casey Seiler can do such a Tale of Actual Legislation justice, from his report earlier in the year: Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee and Sen. Tony Avella are the most recent lawmakers to address the problem of the misbranding of escolar — aka walu or the snake mackerel — a fish that while reputed to be rich and delicious can have a rather, well, unpleasant impact on a certain subset of diners. Read the rest here 09:27

Dallas chefs say small portions key to enjoying escolar, dubbed ‘the Ex-Lax fish’

The fish has gone by many names: oilfish, white tuna, super white tuna, butterfish and walu among them. But the very qualities celebrated by these names — the buttery consistency and rich taste — are also behind another, less attractive name: “the Ex-Lax fish.” Indigestible wax esters give the fish a flavor that some chefs praise but that, in larger portions, can provoke food-poisoning-like symptoms or diarrhea. You might assume a food that causes these types of reactions wouldn’t be sold in mainstream restaurants. But escolar, served by more than a dozen,,, Read the rest here 10:13