Tag Archives: Fuel Subsidy
American Samoan Fishermen get help from DMWR
Fishermen of alia vessels and small motorized boats are now getting help from the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources to pay for their fuel when they go fishing. Earlier this year, the Governor’s Office allotted $150,000 to DMWR to begin providing assistance to fishermen and small boat owners. Read more here 22:20
American Samoa Government Asked To Subsidize Longline Fleet, a significant contributor to the local economy
PAGO PAGO, American Samoa (The Samoa News, Dec. 22, 2013) – On behalf of the ASG Shipyard Service Authority board, chairman David Robinson recently proposed to the Governor’s Office a fuel subsidy or further reduction in fuel costs to help the American Samoa longline fleet, which is facing low prices received for their catches. READ more@eastwestcenter.org 17:59
Use the $10 Million S-K money retrieved from the pilfering NOAA as a Fuel Subsidy for the little guy’s
Boat owners, fishermen, net makers, icemen, fuel men, machine shop’s, welders, railway’s vessel supplier’s, electronic shop’s, are the ones that need this measly $10 million dollars, which is a drop in the bucket that NOAA owes the fishing industry in S-K money. read more