Tag Archives: F/V Lone Star

F/V Lone Star sinks at Fisherman’s Terminal on Tuesday morning
According to Harbormaster Matt Creswell, the fishing boat Lone Star was reported to be sinking at around 5 a.m. “We received a report that there was a vessel sunk at the crane dock between Aurora and Harris harbors, we refer to it as Fisherman’s Terminal,” Creswell said. “Harbor staff responded before 6 a.m. and found the large fishing vessel, a little over 40 feet I believe, named the Lone Star, was completely sunk in the crane docks.” >click to read<
USCG seeks information on vessel leaking oily substance into Alaskan waters – The USCG is seeking info about a vessel photographed July 14, at approximately 4 p.m., in northeastern vicinity of Valdez Narrows. The position on that date is indicated by encircled yellow triangle on the chart below. Photos, >click to read< 10:50
Some Bristol Bay fishermen sued Monday over the sinking last June and subsequent salvage of the Lone Star
The lawsuit claims the plaintiffs suffered loss of past and future income from commercial fishing, subsistence foods, subsistence and cultural activities and past and future damage to property. Named as defendants are the ship’s owner, Charles Burrece; its crew; Seattle-based Trident Seafoods Corp.; Magone Marine Service Inc., which was involved in the salvage; its president, Daniel Magone; and Resolve Marine Group Inc., which bought Magone’s company. more@juneauempire 11:32
Been a Long Time Comin’ – F/V Lone Star tow operations underway near Dillingham, Al.
The response to the Lone Star began June 30 when the vessel capsized and partially submerged in 18 feet of water with reportedly 14,000 gallons of diesel, 150 gallons of lube oil, 150 gallons of hydraulic fluid and 250 gallons of gasoline aboard. It was reported a change in tide swung the ship against the anchor chair, detaching the transducer and coolant lines. This created a hole in the steel hull and caused the vessel to take on water. more@uscgnews 07:16
F/V Lone Star recovery efforts begin to pay off – “The Lone Star is currently being pumped out and floating,,,”
“The Lone Star is currently being pumped out and floating, and they’re going to move it away from its current location Monday night at high tide and work on getting it seaworthy and ready to be towed,” said Magone. “We’re towing the ship to Unalaska, and we’ll most likely leave when we see a weather window that allows it.” more@bristolbaytimes 14:22
The muddy bottom of the Igushik River maintains its firm grasp on the F/V Lone Star
This past Friday, as the crews attempted to place the chains around the front and back ends of the boat, they ran into this newest problem. The front section of the Lone Star has been lodged so deeply into the mud that it became impossible to wrap a chain around it using traditional divers. more@bristolbaytimes 13:07
Progress made in F/V Lone Star recovery near Dillingham, Alaska
Salvage crews successfully moved the partially submerged fishing vessel Lone Star toward shallow water in the Igushik River near Dillingham, Monday. The Coast Guard has monitored the progress of the salvage effort since the vessel capsized in the river June 30. more@uscgnews21:27
Slow Start to F/V Lone Star Salvage Ops in the Igushik River
A second, more substantial salvage operation got underway this week, but it seems crews have already run into problems. more@kdlg 13:51
The Lone Star is Still Stuck in the Mud of the Igushik River!
The 78-foot sunken fishing tender Lone Star is still stuck in the mud in the Igushik River as responders try and figure out a new way to recover the vessel. KDLG’s Mike Mason has this update. listen@kdlg with Mike Mason 13:08
Crews Attempt to Lift Sunken Tender F/V Lone Star from the Igushik River
All of the fuel has been removed from the sunken tender Lone Star. The focus now shifts to lifting the vessel from the bottom of the Igushik river and ensuring it floats. Before that, salvage crews must overcome an enormous amount of suction from the muddy river bottom. listen – KDLG’s Ben Matheson
The Recovery Plan for the Sunken Fishing Tender Lone Star Includes Towing the Vessel to Dutch Harbor
The large fishing tender that sank in late June in the mouth of a major sockeye producing river in Bristol Bay is still leaking fuel as responders attempt to get the last of the fuel off the vessel. KDLG’s Mike Mason has the details. listen@kdlg
Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team deployed to the response effort to remove the sunken F/V Lone Star from the Igushik River near Dillingham, Alaska, Friday.
“The Pacific Strike Team is made up of some of the best emergency responders the Coast Guard has to offer,” said Lt. Jason Gangel, chief of response, Coast Guard Sector Anchorage. “The Strike Team’s knowledge and expertise will greatly contribute to the unified effort to remove the Lone Star and restore safety to both the local environment and the mariners who use the waterway.” continued@uscgnews
Lone Star Update… No Fuel Sheen Spotted Thursday
No fuel sheen was spotted during the latest observation flight of the sunken tender Lone Star. KDLG’s Mike Mason has this update.
Breaking News… 15:32 7/10 The Lone Star is Leaking Fuel… Fishery Closures will Stay in Place
19:58:44 The sunken fishing tender in the Igushik River is apparently still leaking fuel and the commercial fishing closures in the area will stay in place for the time-being. KDLG’s Mike Mason has the details. continued@kdlg
Lone Star oil sheen shuts down Igushik River setnet fishery, affecting 52 permit holders, May reopen today if they can contain leaking fuel.
Leaking diesel fuel from a sunken Bristol Bay fishing vessel led the state Department of Fish and Game to shut down a key setnet fishery and close an area for drift gillnet boats Friday afternoon. If the Lone Star’s fuel can be contained, commercial fishing for sockeyes could resume on Saturday, area biologist Tim Sands of Fish and Game said. continued@adn
F/V Lone Star UPDATE: Efforts to Boom Off the Sunken Tender Lone Star are Unsuccessful
Efforts to boom off the overturned fishing tender near the mouth of the Igushik River proved unsuccessful Monday night. KDLG’s Mike Mason has this update. listen @ kdgl
Coast Guard responding to partially submerged F/V Lone Star near Dillingham, Alaska
The Coast Guard is deploying personnel and assets to the site of the overturned 78-foot fishing vessel Lone Star to assess the situation and work with the owner to minimize the threat of pollution to the environment. continued@uscgnews