Tag Archives: F/V Patriot

New book explores mystery and legacy of the 2009 F/V Patriot sinking

A newly released book, “The Tragic Sinking of Gloucester’s Patriot” by maritime historian and retired U.S. Coast Guard Capt. W. Russell Webster, sheds light on the mysterious and sudden sinking of the fishing vessel about 15 miles east of Gloucester just after 1 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 3, 2009. Many in the nation’s oldest seaport still wonder what happened to the Patriot, Webster says, as the sinking resulted in the loss of the vessel’s beloved two-member crew, Capt. Matteo “Matt” Russo, 36, and his father-in-law, Giovanni B. “John” Orlando, 59. Webster takes time to explore the loss the community felt, and he has even included poetry by Gloucester poet John Ronan. Both men were seasoned and safety-conscious commercial fishermen. photos, >click to read< 07:06

Rising fuel prices hit Maine’s commercial fishermen

The high prices of fuel are also hitting boat works and marinas. When looking at the fuel costs for commercial fishers, the problem does seem to increase among that industry. “We burn 600 gallons a day. You figure six times 10. You do the math. It’s a $60,000 fuel bill,” Michael Irving, captain of F/V Patriot, in Portland, said. Irving spent the afternoon untying knots in his dragnet targeting groundfish. He said he didn’t make any money last week because of the diesel fuel increase. “We’re going to try and feed America, but we can’t not go out and catch fish. It is a living, you know. We’re just going, and we don’t get paid for it. The boats have to go either way,” Irving said. “I don’t know. It’s ludicrous. It’s stupid,” Irving said. Video, >click to read< 08:04

Giddings Boat Works launch’s F/V Patriot

Giddings-Splashes-First-New-Vessel-in-12-YearsUnder construction for more than a year, the 200 – ton fishing boat will homeport in Newport, Ore. Once fully outfitted with gear, this combination vessel will be fully capable of shrimping, crabbing and tendering in all ocean conditions from Oregon to Alaska, said designer Tullio Celano of Oregon – based Crescere Marine Engineering Inc. “They’ll be able to fill holds and have enough reserve stability and buoyancy to handle any condition that can happen,” he said. [email protected] See the construction of F/V Patriot in this huge photo gallery, and a video. 14:40