Tag Archives: gillnet

County board voices opposition to bill to end non-tribal gillnetting in Washington
Wahkiakum County commissioners on Tuesday agreed to contact the state senate to oppose legislation that would outlaw non-tribal gillnet commercial fisheries in Washington Jan. 1, 2023, and establish a buyout program for retiring licenses by Dec. 31, 2022. Proponents say gillnets are non-selective gear that ensnare wild and endangered salmon and with other species, they are not a good management, and they adversely impact the recreational fishing industry. Senate Bill 5617 would also establish a three-tier program to buy out gillnetters’ licenses from willing sellers.,,, >Click to read<11:01
Algae bloom threatens Prince Rupert’s gill net fleet
The Prince Rupert gill net fleet has been hit hard by a massive algae bloom and may be forced off the water. “It’s crippling me as far as catching fish goes. Everything on the boat is dirty from [algae] including me and you can’t catch any fish because they can see the net, it’s like a blanket out there,” said Claude McDonald, 76, a gill net fisherman based in Prince Rupert. A sticky, thick algae is being singled out as the reason for extremely dismal salmon catches so far this season. Mud is the name given to the plankton by fisherman due to its thick viscosity and muddy colour. Read the rest here 10:18