Tag Archives: Google

Clare Island fisherman takes action to stop fibreoptic cable project off Co Mayo
A Clare Island fisherman has launched High Court proceedings aimed at stopping the laying of fibre optic cable off the Co Mayo coast as part of a multi-million-euro international communications project. James O’Toole is challenging the granting of a licence to the Irish leg of the project which will see a transatlantic subsea cable system connect Northern Europe and the US.,, On Wednesday, Mr Justice David Barniville granted AEC’s application to fast-track Mr O’Toole’s case in the Commercial Court,,, He and other fishermen are concerned about the risk of fishing gear becoming entangled on the surface laid cable and that fishing gear may have to be abandoned which could entrap marine species and cause environmental pollution. >click to read< 15:37

Wait, So How Much of the Ocean Is Actually Fished?
How much of the world’s oceans are affected by fishing? In February, a team of scientists led by David Kroodsma from the Global Fishing Watch published a paper that put the figure at 55 percent—an area four times larger than that covered by land-based agriculture. The paper was widely covered, with several outlets leading with the eye-popping stat that “half the world’s oceans [are] now fished industrially.” Ricardo Amoroso from the University of Washington had also been trying to track global fishing activity and when he saw the headlines, he felt that the 55 percent figure was wildly off. He and his colleagues re-analyzed the data that the Global Fishing Watch had made freely available. And in their own paper, published two weeks ago, they claim that industrial fishing occurs over just 4 percent of the ocean. How could two groups have produced such wildly different answers using the same set of data? >click to read<21:21
Global Fishing Watch: Google’s Big Data Overfishing Project Flounders
Last month at the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, Google unveiled a project it bills as a groundbreaking leap in the use of cloud computing, big data, and satellite networks—all to stamp out overfishing. The program, Global Fishing Watch, launched in beta with the help of environmental outfits Oceana and SkyTruth, uses the signals from Automatic Identification Systems (emergency devices installed in all major ships) to plot the trajectory of every commercial fishing vessel on the ocean. Read the rest here 21:45
Spoofed Satellite Feeds Trouble Google’s Eye in the Sky
The new Global Fishing Watch, an ambitious attempt by Google and others to monitor illegal fishing boats globally in real time, faces a technical challenge: Fishing boats operating in non-permitted territories that alter their tracking systems to mask their physical location. Read the rest here 11:35
The Eye in the Sky – Google, SkyTruth And Oceana Target Illegal Fishing With New Technology
SkyTruth, Oceana and Google announced Global Fishing Watch, a big data technology platform that leverages satellite data to create the first global view of commercial fishing. A prototype was unveiled at the 2014 IUCN World Parks Congress in Sydney, Australia, with a public release version in development, SkyTruth said. Read the rest here 12:42