Tag Archives: grounded fishing boat
Grounded fishing boat removed from Salmon Creek beach after nearly a decade
In the nine years since the F/V Verna A II ran ashore south of Salmon Creek on the Sonoma Coast, the beached vessel has become part of the landscape, its decaying hull disappearing and reemerging out from the sand and surf. On Tuesday, however, three excavators fought 16-foot surf to finally drag what was left of the rusted fishing boat out of the sand once and for all. The effort, spearheaded by California State Parks, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and the Greater Farrallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries, was finally made possible with funding from the Biden-era Bipartisan Infrastructure Law through the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Video, Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:12

F/V Bear still stuck in the sand at Island Beach State Park
A 68-foot fishing boat named Bear was (remains) stuck in the sand Thursday morning after it ran aground at the southern end of Island Beach State Park overnight, according to the Coast Guard. Sometime Wednesday night, watchstanders at the U.S. Coast Guard Sector Delaware Bay received a report through VHF Channel 16 of a grounded fishing boat in the sand with three people aboard, officials said. Video, 20 photos, >click to read< 09:42

F/V Bear Update: Drone Footage Shows Grounded Boat Taking a Beating
A bird’s-eye view of the the fishing vessel F/V Bear, a 68-foot scallop boat that became grounded at Island Beach State Park over the weekend, spent another day at the mercy of the waves as crews have yet to be able to free her. In the meantime, new drone footage posted by a YouTuber known as SuazOnn shows the sheer scale of the weight that must be hauled in order to refloat the vessel, which was built in 1984. Video, photos, >click to read< 09:38

New Jersey: Grounded Fishing Boat Still on the Beach
The fishing vessel F/V Bear, a 68-foot boat built in 1984, according to a federal registration database, remained in the surf zone and led to the closure of an area of the park to vehicles and anglers Sunday. State officials closed Area 23 of the park due to concerns over high tides and strong winds Sunday into Monday. “If the boat shifts position, it may create safety and access issues if the boat turns perpendicular to shore,” an announcement said. Video, >click to read< 08:03

Four rescued from grounded fishing boat off Point Gammon in Yarmouth
The Coast Guard reports that the Woods Hole station’s 45-foot RB-M boat crew successfully rescued 4 people aboard the grounded F/V Tom Slaughter III that began taking on water last night 1/2 mile south of Yarmouth. No injuries or pollution reported. The vessel owner working with a commercial salvage company. >click to read< 08:56