Tag Archives: grounded fishing vessel

Coast Guard rescues fishing crew from a rock near grounded fishing vessel off Beaver Inlet, Unalaska
The Coast Guard rescued four people Thursday after a fishing vessel ran aground near Dutch Harbor. A Coast Guard MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew deployed aboard Cutter Bertholf hoisted all four survivors from a rock near the grounded fishing vessel F/V Endurance, approximately one mile west of Egg Island, near the entrance to Beaver Inlet, Unalaska. They were flown to Dutch Harbor and placed in the care of awaiting EMS with no injuries reported at the time of transfer. Watchstanders in the Coast Guard 17th District command center in Juneau received a transferred call via satellite phone emergency dispatch from the Endurance at 10:57 p.m. Wednesday, stating they had run aground, were severely listing, and taking on water. >click to read< 20:50

Volunteer RNLI crew of Aberystwyth lifeboat paged to assist trawler grounded on rocks

U.S. Coast Guard rescues two fishermen from a grounded fishing vessel in Neka Bay
The Coast Guard rescued two fishermen Tuesday from a grounded fishing vessel in Neka Bay, south of Hoonah. Coast Guard Cutter John McCormick arrived on scene at approximately 8:34 a.m. and launched a small boat crew who rescued the operator and a crew member from the fishing vessel Reluctant. No injuries were reported. The Coast Guard received Reluctant’s initial report about running aground at about 8:30 a.m. photos, >click to read< 07:25

Coast Guard removes fishing vessel from St. Mary’s inlet, GA
The vessel posed a hazard to the marine environment and was an imminent threat to obstruct passage of the navigation channel. As the Federal On-Scene Coordinator, Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville federalized the response using the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. Over 500 gallons of oily water was pumped from the vessel, and contractors successfully removed the vessel and debris from the water. The Coast Guard completed pollution mitigation and removal efforts for the fishing vessel F/V Phuong Mai in St. Mary’s Inlet Georgia, Friday. >click to read< 15:42
The Coast Guard rescued two men after their fishing vessel ran aground in St Mary’s Inlet, Thursday., more, >click here<

Unified Command oversees fuel and oil removal from grounded F/V Sea Angels with possible presence of unexploded military ordnance nearby
The Unified Command is overseeing lightering operations to remove the fuel from aboard the grounded fishing vessel Sea Angels, which are being completed by a contractor hired by the vessel owner, Wednesday afternoon. Operations are expected to continue over the next several days to remove all fuel and other oil from the fishing vessel, which ran aground near Browns Inlet, North Carolina, on Dec. 9, 2019. >click to read< 07:19
Unexploded Ordnance Complicates Salvage for Grounded Fishing Vessel – At about 0815 hours on December 9, Coast Guard Sector North Carolina received a distress call from a crewmember aboard the fishing vessel Sea Angels. >click to read< Search Results for: F/V Sea Angels >click to read<

UPDATED – Unified command responds to grounded vessel near Santa Cruz
The Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response (OSPR), Monterey County, Santa Cruz Fire Department and a representative of the vessel owners have established a unified command in response to a 56-foot commercial fishing vessel that ran aground with a maximum potential capacity of 1,200 gallons of diesel aboard near Natural Bridges State Park, Sunday morning. The captain of the fishing vessel, Pacific Quest, contacted Coast Guard Sector San Francisco watchstanders at approximately 2 a.m. Sunday, reporting that his vessel ran aground with only himself and his dog aboard. >click to read<06:38
F/V Pacific Paradise: Responders unsuccessful in removing grounded fishing vessel off Honolulu
Responders were unsuccessful in removing the grounded 79-foot fishing vessel Pacific Paradise off Waikiki, Friday. Marine salvage company Cates International crews utilized a tug with 8” plasma towline and chain from both the bow and stern of the fishing vessel in the attempt to break it free from the coral reef. “Salvage teams attempted various removal procedures on both on the bow and stern and although the vessel had movement during the process, it remains aground,” said Capt. Michael Long, commander, Coast Guard Sector Honolulu and captain of the port. “Our Coast Guard teams will reassess with all our partners this weekend to prepare future removal plans. click here to read the story 14:00

Coast Guard issues order requiring approved salvage plan for grounded fishing vessel in Estero Bluffs State Park
The Coast Guard directed the owner of the commercial fishing vessel, Point Estero, to submit a salvage plan before making any arrangements to refloat the grounded vessel near Estero Bluffs State Park Thursday evening. The Coast Guard Sector Los Angeles-Long Beach commander, Capt. Charlene Downey, instructed the owner to submit a plan detailing actions to be taken by the owner to make the vessel seaworthy for safe transit to a facility to affect permanent repairs for approval by a local Coast Guard representative. After the Point Estero grounded July 28, the Coast Guard removed approximately 91 gallons of oil, 2.5 cubic yards of contaminated material and two marine-grade batteries to prevent pollution. -USCG-

Coast Guard monitoring grounded fishing vessel in Florence, Ore.
Coast Guard personnel are monitoring the 50-foot commercial fishing vessel /Ms Nicani after it went aground on a beach north of the Siuslaw River Bar north jetty, Saturday. A shore party from Coast Guard Station Siuslaw River responded, took pictures and noted no obvious pollution concerns, and the master of the vessel is contacting local tug operators for salvage. Watchstanders at Coast Guard Sector North Bend received the initial report at 2:17 a.m. from the two-person crew with reportedly no injuries. 19:44
F/V Arctic Hunter Begins To Shed Debris
Rough weather is taking a toll on the grounded fishing vessel Arctic Hunter, which has been stuck on the rocks outside Unalaska since last Friday. The 93-foot crab boat has survived a series of storms this week without breaking apart. But salvagers haven’t been able to work on the vessel since last weekend. more@alaskapublic 22:35
F/V Arctic Hunter in better day’s – Bering Sea Opies and the reality of the Deadliest Catch….link