ITQ’s: A crash course – How feds let fishing privileges be sucked up by big money, much of it foreign.
Wild fisheries are humankind’s greatest single source of protein. They are fully renewable, we don’t have to till soil, plant seeds, apply fertilizer or pesticide, water them or feed them; we just have to manage the harvest. As global populations continue to grow, much is at stake as we determine who benefits from the greatest renewable food resource. At home who benefits from fish harvested in B.C.’s waters? (or anywhere?) You’d be logical in thinking the answer is mostly people who make the B.C. coast their home and who fish for a living. And you’d be wrong. >click to read<14:39
So from what I hear and see on the Coast of Maine, Big Money and Trump are popular with our local fools who haul lobster pots and chase Scallops and Herring. So as long as they keep voting that way, they are going to get what they deserve, big money in their business.
Rob,The system that was designed lends itself to corporate ownership where the crew is just sharecropping labor for cheap.In the long run,it will never work in anything other than the big boat Scallop fishery, The crew earnings are good there so that a boat will go fishing no matter who owns it and the crew will pay for whatever as long as they are seriously earning. Groundfish is low value and costs hurt. The whole thing sucks.