Tag Archives: Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council.

Study shows three times as many Red Snapper as previously estimated in the Gulf of Mexico
The $12 million Great Red Snapper Count estimated that the Gulf holds about 110 million adult red snapper, those at least 2 years old. A 2018 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration marine fisheries’ estimate was about 36 million. Clay Porch, director of NOAA’s Southeast Fisheries Science Center Director in Miami, said peer reviewers will be going over the science for the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, which is likely to consider revising quotas in April, Porch said Tuesday. >click to read< 14:24

Hooked Up!!! Sea lords and the secret votes that made them rich
The votes helped create the system that now allows 50 businesses and fishermen to control 81 percent of the nation’s commercial red snapper allocation. Those fishermen can make a total of $23 million every year. And the government gets nothing in return from the fishermen. “This is a public asset,” Congressman Garret Graves says. “You and I own this. The public owns this. You know, people always talk about [how] government needs to run like a business. Could you ever imagine a business saying, ‘Oh, here’s our inventory, and it’s free! You come in a grocery store, you take whatever you want.’ The vote predates Graves’ term in Washington. But last decade, Congress helped orchestrate it. The feds wanted to start what’s called an IFQ program, short for “individual fishing quota”. Fishermen would get an allocation to fish the entire year. Congress required three votes – first by a little-known public body called the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council, an 11-member body that’s primarily appointed by the five Gulf states. After the Gulf Council vote, Congress also required two votes by the commercial fishermen who already were permitted to fish for red snapper in the Gulf. And those are the votes that the federal government won’t let us see. Video, read the story here 11:09
State control of red snapper fisheries creates problems – Tom Marvel, owner/operator, F/V Sea Marvel
Much has been written about the ongoing debate over red snapper, most recently by J. Scott Butherus of the Naples Daily News in July. I would like to offer a different perspective. The article criticizes the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council for treating red snapper as one homogeneous group and therefore managing them as such. However, biologically they are one group. It seems the article takes issue with current management, more so with how fishermen are managed as opposed to how the fish are managed. Read the rest here 08:49
U.S. senators want longer red snapper season, Gulf Council looks at reallocation!
Despite a letter from U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is not looking to extend the federal recreational red snapper season for 2015. (shoulda known that, fellas) NOAA Southeast Regional Administrator Roy Crabtree predicted one of the items the council will vote on at its August (GMFMC)meeting is moving 390,000 pounds of catching capacity from the commercial sector to recreational, thus extending the season. Read the rest here 20:46
The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Council is scheduled to meet in Biloxi, Miss. to discuss red snapper rules
Charlene Ponce, the council’s public information officer, said final action on the issue will not be taken until October. The question of sector separation is one that wildlife groups including the Louisiana Coastal Conservation Association believe could cut private anglers’ access to red snapper. On the other side, charter captains argue the move is necessary to protect their livelihoods. Read more here 09:34
Results Are In for Public Survey on Goliath Grouper – News Bulletin From University of Florida IFAS and Florida Sea Grant, July 31, 2013
Among the survey results: Many commercial reef fishermen believe that goliath grouper negatively impact ecosystems by decimating other fish populations. In addition, goliath interfere with fishing operations and many commercial fishermen (43 percent of hook and line, 87 percent of spear fishermen) have had to change where and how they fish to reduce such interactions. More than 70 percent of commercial fishermen surveyed would like to see the goliath-harvesting moratorium lifted. continued@floridasportsman
La. State Sen. Bret Allain steadfast on Louisiana Red Snapper flame war with NOAA’s southeast region fisheries administrator Roy Crabtree
Tri-Parish Times – Sen. Bret Allain (R-Patterson) maintains that he will continue pressing passage of his bill, SB 157, which would prohibit the sale or possession of red snapper, dead or alive, on Louisiana’s waters or lands. Allain acknowledges that his intent is to use the spectra of a commercial fishing ban on the species to bring Roy Crabtree, NOAA’s southeast region fisheries administrator, before his committee to discuss changes in NOAA rules on recreational snapper fishing. continued
Louisiana prepared to ignore federal snapper regulations
While the federal government reaffirmed its control of recreational red snapper management this past week, Louisiana fisheries officials also doubled down on a threat to claim three marine leagues of ocean on behalf of the state in an effort to wrestle away oversight of the species from the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council. Read more here
Red snapper policies to be discussed at meeting
CORPUS CHRISTI —According to federal fisheries managers we caught 1.6 million pounds more in gulf red snapper than we were allowed to this past season. This estimated overharvest along with the consequences will be discussed during an upcoming Florida meeting of the Reef Fish Management Committee of the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council. Usually I don’t report on the goings on with such committees because what they discuss is premature. Read More