Tag Archives: halibut catch sharing plan

NPFMC ponders changes in the halibut catch sharing plan
When the North Pacific Fishery Management Council adopted its halibut Catch Share Plan back 2014, charter operators were granted 125% of their historic catch at low levels of abundance, with that additional 25% coming out of quota for the commercial longline sector. Commercial longliners were assured that no further uncompensated reallocations would be considered, but now federal fisheries managers are doing just that. The Halibut Coalition is urging its membership of commercial harvesters to write to the governors of Alaska, Washington and Oregon expressing their views, as the representatives of those states on the NPFMC voted in favor of considering changes to halibut allocations. >click to read< 13:41
Opinion: Halibut plan is best yet: Catch sharing manages uncertainty, conserves stock
Heath Hilyard, the executive director of the Southeast Alaska Guides Organization, is right (Aug. 9, News-Miner). The halibut catch sharing plan, or CSP, isn’t about conservation. It’s about managing the charter halibut resource responsibly so businesses can operate with more certainty. In fact, the plan was supported by the charter sector many times throughout the years for that precise reason. Why the hue and cry now? They want more fish. more@newsminer 12:02
SitNews – Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions Misinformation about halibut catch sharing plan by Tom Gemmell
There has been a lot of misinformation going around about the halibut catch sharing plan (CSP). In an effort to correct this the Halibut Coalition prepared a commentary on Mr Medred’s article in the Alaska Dispatch published on July 20 and other online publications. continued@sitnews
Begich to NOAA: Extend Public Comment Period for Halibut Catch Sharing Plan
In a letter to Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Senator Mark Begich requested a 45-day extension continued@ senate.gov
Comment by Monday 8/26 on Halibut Catch Sharing Plan
Information is here! https://fisherynation.com/public-notices 21:12
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