Tag Archives: Investigating

Coast Guard is actively investigating the death of a fisherman aboard a New Jersey boat
The Coast Guard is actively investigating the death of a fisherman aboard a New Jersey boat,,, The Lady Brittany was reported to be 50 nautical miles off the coast of Nantucket when a fisherman was reported overboard, according to the Coast Guard. Lt. Jordan Ortiz, the Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Detachment Supervisor for New Bedford, said a call was received on Jan. 21 at 5 a.m. for a person in the water. He said the crew was able to recover the fisherman >click to read< 12:37
RCMP investigating two suspicious boat fires in southwestern Nova Scotia
The most recent incident occurred on Monday, Oct. 9 when the Buck and Doe fishing vessel was reported missing from the Comeauville Wharf in Comeauville, Digby County.,,, A few days earlier, on Oct. 5 at 7:44 a.m., a fire was reported aboard the Amanda’s Pride 1. The vessel had been docked at the slip in Weymouth North. The RCMP say an initial investigation determined that something was put in the engine hatch, which caused the fire. click here to read the story 16:42
Lobster boat torched amid tensions in Nova Scotia – Alex McDonald said he gets along well with non-Indigenous lobster fishermen in the area and doesn’t believe any of them are to blame. “I know the other fishermen so I don’t believe it was my fellow fishermen that fish beside me. click here to read the story

Foreign ownership of British fishing fleet investigated
Foreign ownership of the British fishing fleet is being investigated by a government agency, ITV News has learned. There has long been a loophole that allows predominately EU crews to fish in British waters. Operating under a “flag of convenience”, foreign owned and crewed trawlers can fish in British waters as long as they visit a UK port twice a year. Even then, they only need to sell a small part of their catch in Britain. Now, the Marine Management Organisation is investigating the practice. Video, click here 12:25
Coast Guard investigating the cause of the collision and sinking of Scallop F/V Last Stand
The Coast Guard is investigating the cause of an accident that sunk a scallop boat April 28 six miles off Cape May. The 42-foot scallop boat, Last Stand, homeported in Cape May, collided with a 78-foot tug, Dean Reinauer, from New York, that was pushing a 500-foot barge southeast of this city about 1 p.m. April 28. The scallop boat issued an electronic distress signal before being rescued by the Coast Guard. It sank within minutes of the collision. The investigation into the accident is “standard” according to the Coast Guard, however, those on scene credit preparedness of the crew for their safe rescue. “We are looking into the cause of the accident by conducting interviews of the crew of all vessels involved, gathering witness statements, obtaining track lines and speed of vessels, recorded radio transmissions, looking at fatigue factors, and also using the guidance set forth in COLREGS, navigational ‘rules of the road’,” Two video’s Read the story here 17:42
Maryland NRP Investigating Illegal Commercial Fishing Operation in St. Mary’s Co.
On Tuesday morning, officers received a complaint about a large number of dead fish floating near Town Creek, a tributary of the Patuxent. Searching the area, officers saw a vessel, the McKenzie Leigh, unloading fish at a nearby pier. The vessel was holding about 14,000 pounds of croaker and other species of fish, many appearing to be undersized. Read the rest here 15:36