Tag Archives: Karter Larson
A Talk – Commercial Fishing Navigates Change to Bring Home Profit
A taste of the enthralling work of commercial fishing Saturday described a tug-of-war with not just the deep, but also a sea of federal regulations. How the captain and crew know where to set up the hooked lines for tuna, how the moon rules when fish bite, the extent that Big Brother’s eye is on the industry, the astounding amount that a scallop fishing permit is worth, what happens when one guy, days out to sea, gets a fever,,, Karter Larson’s talk on commercial fishing from Barnegat Light’s Viking Village dock is standing room only each year at the LBIF. >click to read< 21:39
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Now here’s a true fish story
Those scallops you ate last week — where do you think they came from? China maybe? Most people don’t bother reading the labels on their food. They don’t know where it was grown or caught or packaged and to what bacteria or viruses it may have been exposed during any of those processes. Karter Larson, one of the Larson family of commercial fishermen in Barnegat Light talked about life on the sea and details of how the operation runs, to a standing-room-only crowd on Saturday at the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences. Read the rest here 07:48