Tag Archives: latest stock assessment

Big day for little shrimp: NL fish union hopes positive update on northern shrimp stock status translates into good news for fishery

The latest stock assessment for northern shrimp, which used a revised approach to project the health of the species off the Newfoundland and Labrador coast, is being welcomed by the union that represents the provinces inshore harvesters and plant workers. In a technical briefing on Wednesday, March 19, the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) officially projected northern shrimp will be in the healthy zone, in accordance to the department’s precautionary approach to species management. For the latest assessment, DFO combined six fishing areas all along the eastern coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador, collapsing them into two stock assessment regions divided by the boundary between Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) Divisions 2H and 2J. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:12

The lobster population in Canada’s most important harvesting area is healthy and is not overfished

The 20,000-square-kilometre fishing ground off southwestern Nova Scotia and into the Bay of Fundy, known as Lobster Fishing Area 34, accounts for 20 per cent of all lobster landed in Canada and 10 per cent of North American landings. “The stock is considered to be in the healthy zone. Furthermore, as the relative fishing mortality is below the removal indicator in all four survey indices, overfishing is not occurring,” the report concluded. The latest assessment, which ended in 2019, used commercial landings and several independent trawl surveys to evaluate the stock status. >click to read< 09:50