Wash Cockle and Mussel Byelaw confirmed

The wash cockle and Mussel Byelaw 2021 has finally been confirmed by Defra. It replaces the 30- year Wash Fishery Order which expired in January 2023, the fishery having been under interim management arrangements since then. The byelaw, which will come into effect on 1 May, introduces a permit system, prefaced by an eligibility requirement, with a maximum of 63 vessels to work the fishery. Those eligible to hold a permit were notified back in 2023. An annual eligibility fee of £757.75 must be paid by 30 March each year, with permits to run from 1 April, although for this first year which starts a month later, the fee is reduced to £694.60. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:30

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