Tag Archives: LIFO policy
Last In-First Out: Todays various articles from the region
‘More questions than there are answers,’ FFAW says on scrapped LIFO policy – Click here
Federal fisheries minister’s decision on dispute in the Atlantic region sure to anger Nova Scotian fishermen – Click here
LIFO ban good news for Newfoundland fishery: Bill Barry Click here
‘LIFO is not a sustainable instrument of public policy’ – Click here

Abandon LIFO: Fishermen ask for new deal on shrimp
Glen Winslow and the six-member crew of the Roberts Sisters II should have been fishing for crab Tuesday. Instead, the boat was tied up in St. John’s harbor. Winslow joined more than 150 other people, mostly fishermen, in trying to convince a federal review panel to recommend the federal government abandon the last in, first out (LIFO) approach on allocating northern shrimp quotas. The majority of those in the room asked the minister not continue to force smaller, inshore enterprises to take the greater share of quota cuts on the declining stock off Newfoundland and Labrador, when compared to larger, “offshore” enterprises. “We’ll be out of the (shrimp) fishery this year,”,, Read the story here 15:01
LIFO policy: Newfoundland and Labrador will take a major hit if the inshore shrimp fishery collapses
“In 2015, the inshore shrimp fishery contributed $250 million to the economy of rural Newfoundland and Labrador,” Phil Barnes said. “Economic hubs like Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor, Corner Brook and St. John’s all benefit from the inshore fishery. “Inshore harvesters buy vehicles, groceries, fuel, gear and repair services. Plant workers also spend their income at local businesses,” he said. Barnes said the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) has to scrap its “last in-first out” (LIFO) for the Northern shrimp fishery. “Our inshore fleet has access to one area (Area 6) for a few months of the year while the offshore trawlers are in multiple areas all year round,” he said. “Someone is always there and this has to stop. Read the story here 12:57
External Review of the Department’s Last-In, First-Out Policy on Northern Shrimp
The Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard launched the Ministerial Advisory Panel to carry out the external review of the Department’s Last-In, First-Out policy (LIFO) for the Northern shrimp fishery. The Panel will provide advice on whether LIFO policy specific to the Northern shrimp fishery should be continued, modified or abolished. For more information on the purpose of the Panel, go to the Terms of Reference tab below. The Panel is planning to hold public consultation meetings with fishers, Indigenous peoples, industry and others to hear their views on the LIFO policy. For planning purposes, anyone wishing to attend a meeting will be required to register for that meeting in advance. The Panel is also accepting written submissions. Please note: While the Panel is independently carrying out the review process for LIFO, the Department is providing the Panel with logistical and administrative support. 10:05
Ottawa to temporarily suspend LIFO policy, shrimp fishery in Area 6 to be temporarily suspended
A significant fisheries announcement is set to be made Tuesday that will see the “last in, first out” (LIFO) policy in the shrimp fishery temporarily suspended by the federal government. A seven-person panel will be appointed to study that policy that has come under heavy criticism from local politicians and fishermen, who say it unfairly hinders small inshore boats because they were last to enter the fishery. The shrimp fishery in areas four and five will continue as planned, but area six — off southern Labrador and northern Newfoundland — will be suspended pending the panel’s report. Read the rest here 08:42
Mulcair fisheries commitment brings hope to Newfoundland and Labrador
JUNE 8, 2015, ST. JOHN’S – Last Thursday in Corner Brook, nearly a hundred fish harvesters, concerned citizens and political leaders gathered to stand up for fair fisheries management. One speech in particular brought considerable hope to the rally attendees, as well as to thousands of others who could not be there in person. NDP MHA and fisheries critic Lorraine Michael read a statement from federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair. Read the press release here 08:04
Gail Shea’s stance on shrimp allocations may be softening – Province delivers shrimp impact report to feds
The shrimp fishery in this province is basically divided into a large factory freezer fleet in the offshore, and the smaller vessel fleet in the inshore. Under the last in, first out (LIFO) policy, the inshore is forced to contend with the bulk of any quota reductions that come about. In 2014, the LIFO policy resulted in the inshore losing more than 30 per cent of its shrimp, while the offshore fleets lost less than five per cent. The province’s report states that current sharing arrangement, if continued, would prove disastrous for many rural regions. Read the rest here 09:59
Fisheries Minister Vaughn Granter Optimistic About Revisiting LIFO
The Fisheries Minister says he’s cautiously optimistic that when provided the evidence, the federal government will abandon the LIFO policy. The latest in a series of protests against shrimp quota allocations was held in Old Perlican by the FFAW yesterday. Vaughn Granter says the province categorically doesn’t support the last-in, first-out policy. He says if the federal government doesn’t back off, it will mean total devastation for some coastal communities. Audio, Read the rest here 07:10