Tag Archives: Maine Fisherman

Maine fishermen hope for relief after powerful storm damages wharfs, equipment

Much of Coastal Maine is now in a State of Civil Emergency after this week’s storm caused widespread damage up and down the coast. That announcement by Governor Janet Mills will mobilize resources for recovery but might also provide a bit of extra relief for Maine fisherman. Fisherman were hard hit by the storm. That damage is illustrated in Harpswell, where a lobsterman’s boat was washed up against the shore during Wednesday’s high tide. Thursday, fishermen in Harpswell were trying to secure and fix it before the boat would get hit by more winds and waves from Saturday’s storm. Video, photos, more,>>click to read<< 09:15

Maine Fisherman Catches Rare Orange Lobster, Throws It Back

A TikTok video shows the moment a fisherman catches a “unique” rare type of lobster before releasing it back into the ocean. The video, which has been viewed more than 850,000 times since being posted a couple of days ago, was made by Jacob Knowles, a Maine fisherman who regularly posts videos documenting his time at sea and the various creatures caught. “We caught our first unique lobster,” Knowles says, holding a small orange lobster up to the camera. “She’s pretty cool, she’s all orange… she looks like she’s got gloves on.” Video, >click to read< 08:24