Tag Archives: Monica Medina-Pew-Principal Deputy Undersecretary for Oceans and Atmosphere at NOAA

Biden Creates an Eco-Diplomat Position for His Chief of Staff’s Wife
President Joe Biden has created a new “special diplomat” position to represent…plants and animals. “Monica Medina is taking on a new role as special envoy for biodiversity and water resources, the State Department announced Wednesday. She currently serves as the department’s assistant secretary for oceans and international environmental and scientific affairs.” What the paper left out is the connection Medina has to White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain. >click to read< 11:06 More on Monica, >click to read<

Their careers and their futures depend on attacking fishermen and fishing. What more can we expect from them?
There are people who don’t like fishing. There are people who don’t like anyone who isn’t a vegan. There are people who don’t like progress. There are people who don’t like efficiency. There are people who don’t like to thoroughly research issues. There are people who don’t like technology. There are people who don’t like competition. There are people who don’t like people. There are people who don’t like the truth. There are people who don’t like whatever they’re paid not to like. Let’s say that you shared a number of these traits and you were in search of what would be to you a rewarding career. Could you do much better than becoming an anti-fishing activist? Read the rest here 18:29