Tag Archives: MSC
Alaska senator Begich ‘wouldn’t be surprised’ if more companies left MSC
“I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that more companies are looking for alternatives to MSC certification,” Begich told Undercurrent News…However, according to Kerry Coughlin, regional director for the Americas for the MSC, there are many buyers that are not happy about the loss of MSC certified Alaska salmon on the market, which will not be available at all until 2014 at the earliest, if then. “They’re frustrated that their suppliers are pulling out of being part of the client group and therefore can’t provide them with MSC certified fish,” Coughlin said. more@undercurrent 08:07
Is the EU and MSC Killing off the Vikings?
The European Union may have signed a death warrant for the Faroes Islands fishing industry after officials banned the import of herring and mackerel from the self-governing territory into the 17-nation bloc. The Marine Stewardship Council has already voiced concerns over the Faroe Islands’ large fishing quotas, which has more than trebled its previously agreed share of the Atlanto-Scandian herring stock. The MSC has summarily suspended its certificate for the archipelago. more@ibtimes 12:22
Certified salmon: Park Service director endorses Alaska fish without the MSC label. He does NOT go far enough.
Sen. Lisa Murkowski put Jon Jarvis, director of the National Park Service on the hot seat, and he tried to wiggle his way off the hook by seeking closed door discussion over the Alaska Salmon issue. That’s all well and good for Alaska, while the point is missed that by law all US fishery’s are regulated to be sustainably fished. What about other sustainable by law fish that does not carry the British ENGO label? This NPS issue is just getting started.
From newsminer – So Mr. Jarvis obviously felt a little uncomfortable at a hearing in Washington, D.C., on Thursday when Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, dug into a Park Service recommendation that could curtail Alaska salmon sales by park concessioners nationwide. continued@newsminer
Senator Murkowski “grill’s” Jonathan Jarvis, NPS Director over a British ENGO blue label that ain’t diddly!
It was fun to watch on c-span, so it’ll be fun to watch again. It’s time to straighten out some ENGO crap. MSC my butt. Link to the video
Walmart will continue to sell Alaska Salmon that is not MSC certified, but not in the US!
Alaskan seafood has begun being imported directly into Brazil this month via supplier Noronha Pescados. The products are Alaska salmon, pollock and cod and they are going straight to Walmart, Pao de Acucar, Cencosud and other Brazilian stores. continued – scroll to third article here please
From the Deckboss – Is this anything? Walmart sent salmon suppliers this letter.
The letter said the company will buy only from fisheries “certified sustainable to the MSC standard,” or actively working toward certification. “It is amazing to me,” Tyson Fick, spokesman for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute said, “that America’s largest retailer appears to be saying that they will not buy American seafood without the endorsement of a foreign-based environmental group while promoting foreign seafood with clearly inferior fisheries management and quality, all in the name of sustainability.” continued@deckboss the letter
N.L. snow crab fishery news from DFO
MSC Introduces New Bilingual Ecolabel for Canadian Market
CANADA – The Marine Stewardship Council has launched a new, bilingual French-English ecolabel in response to requests from MSC partners in Canada who want to further increase consumer awareness about their commitment to sustainable seafood and the MSC programme. Read more