Tag Archives: near Cold Bay

Coast Guard aircrew medevacs fisherman from vessel near Cold Bay, Alaska
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew, forward-deployed to Cold Bay, medically evacuated a mariner from the fishing vessel F/V Golden Alaska, on Tuesday, near Cold Bay. The aircrew safely transported the 57-year-old male to Anchorage to awaiting Emergency Medical Service personnel, who then transported him to receive a higher level of care. >3 photos, click to read< 15:49

Coast Guard medevacs injured fisherman near Cold Bay, Alaska
The Coast Guard medevaced an injured fisherman approximately 40 miles west of Cold Bay, Alaska, Wednesday. At 2:30 p.m. an Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew hoisted the injured man and transferred him to awaiting emergency medical services in Cold Bay for further transport to Anchorage. At 8:34 a.m., command center watchstanders received a medevac request from the 89-foot fishing vessel Atlantico for a 40 year-old crewmember who sustained a back injury. Video, >click to read< 22:17

Coast Guard medevacs man from fishing vessel near Cold Bay, Alaska
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevaced a crewman from the fishing vessel Unimak, a 183-foot fishing trawler, near Cold Bay, Alaska, Friday. The Jayhawk crew safely hoisted the ill crewman from the Unimak, which was 46 miles northwest of Cold Bay, at 8:52 p.m. and transported him to emergency medical personnel at the Cold Bay Clinic at approximately 9 p.m. Coast Guard District 17 Command Center watchstanders in Juneau received notification from Health Force Partners stating a Unimak crewman had symptoms of dizziness and weakness, along with general confusion. A Coast Guard flight surgeon recommended a medevac. click here to watch video 09:14
Coast Guard medevacs fisherman near Cold Bay, Alaska
A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak MH-60 Jayhawk rescue helicopter crew forward deployed in Cold Bay, medevaced a man from the fishing vessel American Dynasty approximately 60 nautical miles north of Cold Bay, Thursday afternoon. The 59-year-old fisherman was hoisted and transported to Cold Bay where he was met by Guardian Flight personnel for further transfer to Anchorage. Watchstanders at Coast Guard District Seventeen received notification from Health Force Partners requesting a medevac for a crewmember aboard the American Dynasty who was suffering from symptoms of appendicitis. The duty flight surgeon recommended the medevac and the helicopter crew was dispatched. Weather on scene during the time of the medevac was reported as 20-mph winds with six to eight-foot seas and four miles of visibility. link 10:46
Coast Guard conducts medevac of Injured Fisherman near Cold Bay, Alaska
KODIAK, Alaska — The Coast Guard medevaced a 23-year-old man with an injured hand from 120-foot crab fishing vessel approximately 75 miles north of Cold Bay, Thursday. Coast Guard 17th District command center watchstanders received the call for assistance from the operator of the F/V Trailblazer that a deckhand had crushed his hand in a crab pot launcher and needed immediate medical attention. Read the rest here 19:53