Tag Archives: NEFSA New England Fishermen Stewardship Association

Save Our Fishermen’s Future RALLY!

Maine did it! So can New Hampshire! Save Our Fishermen’s Future Rally! Atlantic States Maries Fisheries Commission ASMFC ruled that lobster fisherman must throw back any lobster under one to one and one-quarter pounds, a new government regulation. The last time lobster length was increased was in 1983 and for the following three years the industry almost collapsed. If this increase is implemented on July 1st this year a good chunk of our fishermen will not survive.Come and meet the men and women who risk a lot to fish our oceans and are the economic drivers of much of our seacoast economy. Let’s help them by attending the Save Our Seacoast Economy event at the New Castle Town Hall Conference Room 49 Main St. New Castle, NH at 6:00 PM.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:42