Gloucester fishermen in spotlight — again History Channel’s ‘Nor’easter Men’ debuts this week – By Nancy Gaines

The fish and fishing boats are fewer and farther between, but the media fascination with the nation’s oldest, imperiled industry is spawning like guppies.
In addition to “Wicked Tuna,” back for its second season on National Geographic TV, this fall’s small screen lineup includes a miniseries on the History Channel called “Nor’easter Men.”
The three-hour documentary follows four draggers out of New England ports, including one from Gloucester, Capt. Gus Sanfilippo’s 80-foot fishing vessel
The program debuts this Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight.
The two cameramen who accompanied the crew “asked us to do a couple of things, but there was no script,” said crew member Sal Ciolino, “and they didn’t try to make us do anything that might get us hurt.
“But that time of year, we had some good weathers,” he added, meaning rough seas, “and it was real cold. All you can see of me is my eyeballs.”
Looking forward to the show!
Beer and popcorn in the galley.