Tag Archives: North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority
NEIFCA lobster fine reduced by £30k on appeal
Bridlington fisherman Sam Laws has successfully appealed parts of his conviction, and a huge fine imposed by the Magistrates’ Court in Scarborough, after proceedings brought by the North Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (NEIFCA). His original conviction related to the landing of two berried lobsters, one undersized lobster, 11 soft-shelled lobsters and three mutilated lobsters. He was prosecuted in his personal capacity as skipper of the vessel Our Helena R 51. For reasons that are unclear, NEIFCA took no action against the owner of the vessel, which was a limited company – a factor that was to become important down the line. “In court, the NEIFCA lawyer clearly knew nothing about the issue or fishing. Then I was fined over £30,000! It wasn’t just that; I was made out to be a real criminal when the case was reported. My phone was red hot afterwards, with fishermen from all over saying it was outrageous, and to appeal.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:01
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Trade: Why new lobster markets are needed to protect 450 jobs in our region after Brexit
New markets for the lucrative £35m lobster fishing industry in Holderness are to be investigated to help protect 450 jobs after Brexit. The local lobster fishery is the largest in Europe, landing more than one million lobster each year. Some 250 fishermen and 200 onshore jobs are supported by the industry, with 65 vessels operating out of Hornsea, Withernsea, Easington and Tunstall. But with more than 80 per cent of the Holderness catch exported to Europe, new markets will be needed if the UK leaves the EU without a favourable deal. click here to read the story 10:28