Tag Archives: Omega-3 fatty acids

An appeal for seal: Supporters say it’s time to review bans on ‘sustainable’ industry
Fisheries managers allow some 400,000 harp seals to be harvested annually, but the allowable catch hasn’t been taken in the past 15 years. These days, hunters only take about 40,000 seals because of international bans that have dramatically reduced access to markets. The United States has had a ban on seal products since 1972, the European Union banned seal products in 2009, and the Chinese market also has restrictions. But while the sealing industry struggles to stay alive, it’s a way of life that continues. Eldred Woodford, president of the Canadian Sealers Association, has been eating seal his entire life. He’s frustrated that more people aren’t seeing the value of an abundant food source just off the coast. “It’s a waste of a resource. That’s what it is,” he said. more, >>click to read<< 10:03

Eating Fish During Pregnancy Might Prevent Childhood Asthma
Consuming an actual fish by the mother as compared to fish oil could actually be beneficial in protecting the offspring from asthma. The research was the work of the researchers at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Fla wherein they conducted a scientific review of two studies that show that children whose mothers who consume high-dose omega-3 fatty acids daily during their third trimester have lesser chances of having breathing problems. click here to read the story 11:16
Pediatrician Encourages Parents to Make a Resolution to Eat Fish Once or Twice a Week to Improve Health
As part of a 12-month resolution challenge designed to help families eat nutritious foods and become physically active,an Austin, TX pediatrician, recommends eating fish once or twice a week, beginning in November. By eating meals consisting of fish on a weekly basis, families can prevent certain diseases and chronic illnesses. Read the rest here 08:09