Tag Archives: on a fast track
‘A massive enterprise’: California’s offshore wind farms are on a fast track
A new gold rush doesn’t begin to describe the urgency of harnessing wind off California when it comes to meeting climate goals. The first, substantial step has been taken: In December 2022, the federal government auctioned off 583 square miles of ocean waters off Humboldt Bay and the Central Coast’s Morro Bay to five energy companies — with more lease sales expected. The five wind farms will hold hundreds of giant turbines, each about 900 feet high, as tall as a 70-story building. But the still-evolving technology of floating wind farms makes it challenging to analyze the viability and impacts of these projects. Experts say a lack of existing data on potential environmental effects means that much of the scientific understanding will only begin after they are operating. A CalMatters analysis shows that California’s offshore wind projects carry a host of implications and uncertainties. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:07