Tag Archives: one-in-100 million
One in 100 million cotton candy lobster caught in New Hampshire
A rare cotton candy lobster was the catch of the day recently off the coast of New Castle, New Hampshire. This candy-colored crustaceans was caught by a local lobsterman and donated to the Seacoast Science Center, a marine science education organization in Rye, New Hampshire’s Odiorne Point State Park. The wild color does not mean that it actually tastes sweet or like candy. It’s the result of a very rare genetic mutation. In May, a fisherman off the coast of England found a blue lobster in one of its traps. Rather than risk the lobster ending up on a dinner plate, the specimen was donated to a local aquarium, similar to what happened with New Hampshire’s cotton candy lobster. Blue lobsters have also been spotted in Marblehead, Massachusetts and France. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:53

The Luck of the Irish! – Fisherman catches rare one-in-100 million albino lobster off the west of Ireland coast
A ONE-in-100 million white albino lobster has been donated to an Irish aquarium after it was saved from the chef’s cooking pot by a fisherman in Ireland. Local fisherman Charlie O’Malley caught the rare crustacean in his nets off the coast of Achill Island in Co. Mayo. The chance of catching a ‘ghost’ lobster like the one found in Achill is approximately one-in-100million. For comparison, the odds of winning the Lotto jackpot in Britain is around one-in-14million. (its certainly the prettiest lobster I’ve seen!) Click here to read the story. 09:32