Tag Archives: reflects

Furey Reflects on Changes in Fishery Following Protests, Negotiations

The Premier believes that more changes were made to the fishery in 2024 than under any other administration in the history of the province. Last spring was a tumultuous time in the fishery. Frustrated harvesters began showing up at the House of Assembly every day during the fall sitting, demanding some systemic changes to the way the fishery operates, which ultimately culminated in days of protests that effectively shut down Confederation Building – including on budget day. Andrew Furey says government is essentially a facilitator between the two parties -meaning the FFAW and ASP- and ultimately got “caught in the crossfire.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:23

Cape Sable Island fisherman reflects on industry changes of past 65 years

cape-sable-island-fisherman-clifford-babe-gorehamThere’s been a world of change since Cape Sable Island fisherman Clifford (Babe) Goreham first started out in the lobster fishing industry 65 years ago. A native of Woods Harbour, Goreham began his fishing career at 15 aboard the deck of a boat owned by the late Johnny Adams, a war veteran. “After the first year I came to Cape Island and went hired for three years, then got a rig of my own,” recalled Goreham in an interview. The new, 36-foot wooden Cape Islander was named Little Jerry after Goreham’s first son, and cost $1,375 complete, he said.  It was the early 1950s and a personal lobster licence that cost 25 cents was all you needed to get into the industry.  Lobsters were selling for about 25 cents a pound. “We would save them in crates until they reached 50 cents and then sell,” says Goreham. “Since then we’ve come a long way,” he says. “When I started I just had a compass to go by, no radar. Then we finally got a radar, then a loran.” Read the story here 17:18