Tag Archives: sleep deprivation

National research on commercial fishermen’s sleep schedules to include Alaska gillnetters
Researchers from New York state were in Petersburg, Sitka, Juneau, and Cordova last week gathering information on salmon gillnetters as part of their study on sleep deprivation. The research organization is the Northeast Center for Occupational Health and Safety. It’s a non-profit that’s funded through the Centers for Disease Control to come up with solutions for work related issues with fishermen, farmers, and forestry workers. Currently, they are working on the relationship between commercial fishermen’s sleep and health. The research team is on the tail end of their data gathering. They’ve already gathered information from scallop fishermen in Massachusetts, Dungeness fishermen in Oregon, and salmon gillnetters in Alaska. >click to read< 11:18

F/V Miss Jenna aground on Lobsterville Beach
The Vineyard fishing vessel Miss Jenna ran aground on Lobsterville Beach 11:30 pm, according to the U.S Coast Guard. At 12:30 am the vessel was still stuck in the sand about 20 feet from shore. U.S. Coast Guard personnel could be seen on deck and boats flashing emergency lights could be seen in the distance. Capt. Andrew Wheeler, who runs the Miss Jenna, told The Times Friday morning sleep deprivation was a factor. “Basically we ran a long trip and fell asleep,” he said. He did not specify who was at the helm. “Pretty embarrassing to be honest with you,” he said. >click to read< 10:47

Lobsterman: Cocaine, booze and sleep deprivation caused at-sea injuries
Lobsterman Jody LeBlanc had been awake for most of two days, snorting cocaine and drinking alcohol aboard the F/V Jacqueline Robin, when he was knocked over by a deck-breaching wave and injured so severely, LeBlanc makes that allegation in a federal lawsuit claiming his injuries are permanent and caused by a reckless culture of drug and alcohol abuse aboard the lobster boat, that “rent” was collected from the crew to buy drugs and booze, and its consumption was “encouraged.” Being litigated in U.S. District Court of New Hampshire, LeBlanc’s suit was filed by Maine attorney Alicia Curtis, who did not respond to a request seeking comment or an interview with her client. >click to read< 15:17