Tag Archives: smelt

Doc film exploring Lake Erie fishing nets Leamington audiences

A new documentary being screened in Leamington offers a rare in-depth glimpse into Lake Erie’s important and historic commercial fishing industry. In his debut documentary, Netting the Waters, Simcoe-based filmmaker Daryl Granger dives deep into the industry surrounding the commercial catch of pickerel, perch, and smelt from the shallowest of the Great Lakes. “I wanted to show what it was really like on Lake Erie, because there’s a lot of interest in what happens out there,” Over the course of filming, Granger mainly followed two captains and their vessels. Captain George Gibbons, who leads the Eau Clipper and George A, specializes in gillnetting for pickerel and perch. Captain Joe Zimba, who commands the Donna F, trawls for smelt, a small freshwater fish commonly found in the Great Lakes. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:56

Where have all the ice smelt gone? N.H. ice shanties are empty, the catch in Maine is down, environmentalists struggle for answers

surveys smelt fishingThe fishermen are gone now because the smelt are gone. Catches of 60, 70, 100 smelt on a tide — the six-hour period between low and high tides — were routine. What happened? Some say it’s just a cycle, though the decline has been steady since the state began smelt surveying in the early 1980s. Studies blame the high levels of nitrogen washing into the bay from septic systems, lawn fertilizer and sewage treatment plants. The nitrogen prompts algae blooms that smother the grass and quite possibly smelt eggs clinging to the bottom in tidal headwaters. Read the rest here 09:48

Why this little fish is on some of the biggest menus around

In the dead of Maritime winter, under frozen bays and harbours, drifting schools of smelt are preparing for an epic journey. Before these tiny silver fish start swimming up the freshwater brooks and streams where they were born, they’ll eat almost anything in sight. Read more@theglobeandmail  10:16

SANDY, Oregon: Millions of smelt return to the Sandy River

The river was full of the silver fish, which were put on the threatened species list three years ago because of dwindling runs. This was their first run in the Sandy River since 2001.  Video, continue reading