Tag Archives: unresponsive fisherman

Fisherman dies after being rescued from Plymouth Harbor
A missing fisherman was found unresponsive in the waters of Plymouth Harbor on Sunday afternoon but has since died. The man’s daughter, Kristen Svenson, told Boston 25 that her father, Micahel Furlong, passed away Monday in Plymouth. “We are asking for respect and space at this time. We have nothing prepared. This was very unexpected,” Kristen said. >click to read< 10:22 – Kingston lobsterman dies after he is pulled from the ocean off Plymouth – In a statement Monday, Plymouth County District Attorney Timothy Cruz said the harbormaster had been watching the boat, checked on it and found it unmanned after noticing the boat had not moved in more than an hour. Furlong was found about half a mile from the boat. >click to read< 14:04

Unresponsive fisherman pulled from Plymouth Harbor
A missing lobsterman was found unresponsive in the waters of Plymouth Harbor on Sunday afternoon. The U.S. Coast Guard said they received a report around 1:20 p.m. of an unmanned lobster boat out in Plymouth Harbor. They began searching the area by helicopter. During the search, the Plymouth harbormaster reportedly found the lobsterman unresponsive in the water. >click to read< 19:23
Coast Guard medevacs unresponsive fisherman near Jonesport, Maine
A Coast Guard rescue crew medevaced an unresponsive crewman from the fishing vessel Melinda Ann Saturday afternoon from Englishman Bay near Jonesport, Maine. Station Jonesport watchstanders were notified by the Melinda Ann at around 1:50 p.m. that a crewman had fallen overboard and was unresponsive when recovered. A 29-foot rescue boat crew from the station was underway at the time and diverted to assist. Upon arriving on scene the Coast Guard crew took the man aboard and performed CPR and used an automated external defibrillator on the patient. The rescue crew brought the patient to Station Jonesport and transferred him to awaiting emergency medical services personnel at approximately 2:26 p.m. Medical personnel continued CPR after the transfer, but the man was eventually pronounced deceased. The cause is under investigation. Link 20:56