Tag Archives: waste water
Cocaine in the Water Is Hurting River Eels
The Earth’s waters are laced with drugs—from prescription and over-the counter medications, to caffeine, to antibiotics from personal care products. Marine environments are also tainted with illegal drugs, and a recent study demonstrates just how harmful these illicit substances can be to aquatic wildlife. As Michael Marshall reports for New Scientist, researchers in Italy have found that small amounts of cocaine in water can make eels hyperactive and cause significant muscle damage. >click to read<16:41
The Snobby Neighbors of Beaufort County – Jellyfish Company Files Suit, Video
When jelly-fishers wanted to do business in Beaufort County, not all neighbors were supportive. Groups against the jelly-fishing are still speaking-out against an operation nearly a year later. The groups want to stop a company from unloading and rinsing cannonball jellyfish waste water into Jenkins Creek. However, that company is now suing Beaufort County over an ordinance that makes doing business harder. Video, and read the rest here 07:24