Tag Archives: WPRFMC

WPRFMC Press Release – Milestone Reached in Setting of New Bottomfish ACLs for US Pacific Island Territories

WPFMC sidebarHONOLULU (18 Sept. 2015) A milestone was reached this week in the setting of the 2016 and 2017 annual catch limits (ACLs) for federally managed bottomfish fisheries in the US Territories of American Samoa, Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The current ACLs of 101,000 pounds; 66,800 pounds; and 228,000 pounds, respectively, for the territories were initially set for fishing year 2013 based on a 2012 stock,,, Read the rest here 19:40

WPRFMC Press Release, October 16, 2014 – Fishers Forum on Hawai`i Yellowfin and North Pacific Striped Marlin Management

WPFMC sidebarHONOLULU (16 October 2014) The public is invited to attend the Fishers Forum on Hawai`i yellowfin tuna and North Pacific striped marlin and view a sneak preview of ‘AhiThe Yellowfin Tuna. This short documentary focuses on the importance of the species and research on the local stock that may have important management implications. Read the press release here 22:54

Chiefs welcome delay in WPRFMC vote

Traditional leaders who petitioned against changing the rules to allow longliners to fish in near shore waters now relegated for small alia vessels, have welcomed the decision by the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council to delay a vote until more discussions in the territory. Read more here 19:34

Scientist Resigns Over ‘Abusive Work Environment’ with Federal Fishery Council

Robin Baird, a renowned research biologist, says an “abusive work environment” has forced him  her to quit his  her position on a committee that advises the Western Pacific RFMC on protected species. In a letter to Wespac Executive Director Kitty Simonds, Baird says fellow committee member Milani Chaloupka‘s behavior was “unprofessional and highly inappropriate.” sniff sniff    Read more@civilbeat.com  22:40

Video Presentation – Fishers Forum: Debunking Fishery Myths from the WPRFMC

Learn what’s fact and fiction in Hawaii’s fisheries: longlines (Jim Cook), lay net (Frank Farm), aquarium fish collecting (Matthew Ross) and SCUBA spearfishing (Makani Christensen). Watch the video here  22:00