Letter, Re: Magnusson Act

To whom it may Concern:

I am retired fisherman out of Gloucester, MA. I would appreciate if our Senators, Congressmen and anyone in office would help us.

I am listing some of the problems that are facing the commercial fishermen today and need your immediate attention and help. Most of these problems can only be resolved at the Federal Level.

1.     The Magnusson Act needs to be updated.  The wording needs to be changed so that the Courts and NOAA will have to consider and accept other scientific data.

2.     The Saltonstall Kennedy (SK) Act. Enacted in 1954. Grant funds need to be taken out of NOAA hands and go back to an Advisory Fisherman’s Panel.  This is how it was before 1954.
At present Senator Don Sullivan of Alaska has a Bill S. 3087 that will request our government to change that law, this bill will be coming up in the fall please vote YES on Bill S. 3087

3.     We respectfully Request our government to pay for the monitoring.  Our fisherman cannot afford this.

4. We need our fish stocks to rebuild we need to cut back   In order to do this we need our government to make up the difference to compensate our fishermen. In order to do this we need to adopt a new Fish Bill similar to the farm bill.

There is no simple solution to our problems but let us start with the above suggestions. I will be willing to do whatever necessary to move in the right direction. I can be reached at 978-283-0286 or samparisi42@gamil.com.

Thanking you in advance,
Sam Parisi
110 Commercial Street
Gloucester, MA 01930

July 27, 2017