Tag Archives: sends fake lobster

PETA wishes Warren Sapp well after shark attack, sends (delicious cruelty-free) fake lobster

163-1440_zoomWarren Sapp was bitten by what appeared to be a nurse shark while hunting lobster off the Florida Keys on Wednesday. The former University of Miami and NFL star will be getting at least one get-well card. And some fake lobster. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, best known as PETA, said it was not only sending its best wishes to Sapp via a card, but would also send him some “delicious cruelty-free vegan lobster” for his enjoyment. Also, PETA appears fond of football puns. “We heard about your interception of a defensive shark’s lobster dinner,” PETA wrote in its response to Sapp according to an email sent to the Miami Herald. “We wanted to pass along some delicious cruelty-free vegan lobster in the hope that it’s a winner with you and yours. Read the rest here, and eat more lobster! 11:15