NOAA opens public comment period on Sec. 4(b) in Executive Order 13795 focused on National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments
NOAA opens public comment period on Sec. 4(b) in Executive Order 13795 focused on National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments
NOAA is soliciting comment on National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments designated or expanded since April 28, 2007, during a 30-day public comment period, which will open
June 26, 2017, to assist the Secretary of Commerce in his review under section 4(b) of the Presidential Executive Order (EO) 13795, “Implementing an America-First Offshore Energy Strategy” (signed April 28, 2017). There are a total of six National Marine Sanctuaries expanded and five Marine National Monuments designated or expanded since April 28, 2007, that are a part of this review (see table 1).
NOAA is asking the public to focus their comments, for this 30-day comment period, on those criteria outlined in Section 4(b)(i) of EO 13795:
1. An analysis of the acreage affected and an analysis of the budgetary impacts of the costs of managing each National Marine Sanctuary or Marine National Monument designation or expansion;
2. An analysis of the adequacy of any required Federal, State and tribal consultations conducted before the designations or expansions; and
3. The opportunity costs associated with potential energy and mineral exploration and production from the Outer Continental Shelf, in addition to any impacts on production in the adjacent region.
This review is being conducted jointly by NOAA Fisheries and the National Ocean Service. NOAA’s cross-line office team will consult with the Departments of Interior, Defense, and Homeland Security, as required by the EO. The cross-line office team will also reach out to additional Federal, State, Territorial, and Tribal governments and organizations, as appropriate to make them aware of this public comment period. The final results of this review must be submitted to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, and the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy by October 25, 2017.
This public comment period is separate from the one initiated by the Department of the Interior pursuant to EO 13792, “Review of Designations Under the Antiquities Act” (April 26, 2017). However, the Department of Commerce is collaborating with the Department of the Interior on this review for Marine National Monuments, in conjunction with Department of Commerce’s review under EO 13795.
Table 1:National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine National Monuments Under Review Pursuant to EO 13795, Sec. 4(b)