Lobster fisherman says he was at the wheel during fatal boat collision

April 13, 2021
A lobster fisherman says he was at the wheel of his boat when it hit another vessel in a fatal collision in 2018. Clarence Barry White, 52, testified Tuesday before Justice Gregory Cann in P.E.I. Supreme Court in Charlottetown where he is on trial on two counts of criminal negligence causing death. Those charges relate to a collision on June 9, 2018 that killed Chris Melanson and Justin MacKay who were onboard the Joel ’98. White was captain of the Forever Chasin’ Tail and testified he didn’t give any warning before his boat hit the other vessel. >click to read< 21:40
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at the wheel, Charlottetown PEI, Clarence Barry White, collided with Joel ’98, criminal negligence, criminal negligence causing death, didn’t have a proper lookout, during fatal collision, F/V Forever Chasin' Tail, facing two counts, killed Chris Melanson and Justin MacKay, not practicing 'good seamanship', P.E.I. lobster boat captain, P.E.I. Supreme Court, trial of Clarence Barry White
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