What’s eating at Dr. Ray Hilborn today?!! Dr. Geoff Shester from Oceana
Last week Dr. Geoff Shester, California campaign director for the nonprofit advocacy group Oceana criticized the Pacific Fishery Management Council for the persistence of low numbers of California Sardines. The lack of a population recovery may cause the commercial moratorium to last until 2017. The author explained this sardine population decline as being 93 percent less than it was in 2007. Dr. Shester does not believe this is because of environmental causes like climate change, El Nino, or natural fluctuations in forage fish species however – instead he blames the management body. “They warned of a population collapse and the fishery management body basically turned a blind eye and continued moving forward with business as usual.” Response Comment by Ray Hilborn, University of Washington, Read the rest here 11:49
Thank you Ray Hilborn, This is very encouraging, that someone with Ray Hilborn’s scientific stature has the integrity and is taking the time to respond honestly to the destructive misinformation that’s been spewed by Oceana (and EDF) for years.
Mine and I’m sure many fishermen’s sentiments exactly. Thank you Dr. Hilborn!