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A combination of record prices and bigger quotas driving excitement in N.L. crab fishery

“I think this will be the best year ever for the crab fishery,” Bussey said recently, standing on the deck of his 65-foot fishing vessel, the Eastern Princess II.,, “For me and my wife this is a good way to put in another good year and a successful one for us,” said veteran harvester Wayde Gillingham. “It will help us get through the year and be financially stable for a year,” added crewmate Jonathan Boone. A combination of record prices and bigger  quotas is setting the stage for the best ever season in the Newfoundland and Labrador crab harvest, with insiders predicting that the landed value  could exceed $500 million. But while harvesters are celebrating, the companies and buy and process crab are not. In a statement released late Friday afternoon, the executive director for the Association of Seafood Producers said the price is too high, and that the model used to set prices is broken. >photos, video, click to read<  19:50

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