RODA Condemns Administration for Putting Goals Ahead of Fishermen Safety
Responsible Offshore Development Alliance (RODA), a broad membership-based coalition of fishing industry associations and fishing companies, condemns in the strongest possible terms the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) issuance of a Record of Decision for the previously terminated Vineyard Wind 1 Offshore Wind Energy Project. BOEM continues to abdicate its responsibility to the public and leave all decision making to large, multinational corporations, including this Decision which includes effectively no mitigation measures to offset impacts to critical ocean ecosystems and commercial fisheries. >click to read< 09:21
This “PROJECT” will put money in the wrong pockets!!!
Or is this what this is all about???
Work Smart and the money stays where it belongs!!!
Canada Hydro-Power we. could be up and running before the pieces get shipped here…
Solar MicroPower production and installation will keep many busy!!!
Would you rather have your own system and be part of the solution or hoodwinked and paying fat bills for a future Dumping Area… They’ll suck every nickel out of it and leave it for nature to knock it down… Don’t screw with perfection leave our Oceans alone!!! -SBH-
This “PROJECT” will put money in the wrong pockets!!!
Or is this what this is all about???
They’re RODA rooters and here’s their GAME!!!
They’re going to wisk your MONEY right down the DRAIN!!!
TESLA MICRO POWER PLANTS control your own destiny!!!
SAVE OUR OCEANS!!! Build our own Economy!!!