The smart New Jersey residents fighting the state’s irresponsible wind farm plan

Tricia Conte, the founder of Save Our Shoreline, is dead set against the wind farm. “I was initially concerned about the view,” she said. “And then the more research I did I realized there were greater issues than the view.” She said, “In other areas where there has been green energy installed, California, Germany and Denmark, there was significant increases in the cost of electricity.” Doug O’Malley, director of Environment New Jersey, said initially there will be a cost increase but “we have to take the long view on offshore wind, and it’s a huge opportunity for our state’s economy and it’s the only way we’re going to be able to fight climate change.” >click to read< 09:40
There’s a lot more at stake than the view and the electric bills that will make Bernie Madoff look like a LollyPop thief. Not to mention groups like CLF and EDF are supported by the likes of Michael Milken… If you’re not sure who he is read “Den of Thieves” by James Stewart!!!
They will completely alter our vital Ocean Ecology that has been feeding us for Centuries!!! It’s literally a game of control!!! We’re not . talking about empty gravel pits!!! This bottom is alive with Trillions of creatures!!! Sand Lance a major food source for over a hundred species from shore Birds to Whales live in the Gravel and Sand it’s there bed and hiding place!!! Read how Humpback Whales feed!!!
What do Humpback Whales eat part 2 Sand Lance…
Check out the Link you can see the scars on the Jaws of Humpback that drag their Jaws along the Bottom flushing out the hiding Sand Lance.
The Miles of Power Lines pumping hundreds of thousands of Volts are not shielded for Radiation from EMF (cancer causing levels)… They claim shielding is webbed steel like you’d find in your Car to prevent RF from interring with your Radio… Not 1″ solid Lead cost prohibitive!!!