Maybe Russ Brown should read this – Gurnard and chips, please: warmer seas change UK fish stock as cod head north
Cod and chips could soon become a dish of the past, as Britain’s waters become ever warmer. Marine experts have warned that rising sea temperatures are transforming the makeup of fish stocks in our coastal waters. Where cod and haddock once thrived, sea bass, hake, red mullet and anchovies are now being caught in rising numbers. If Britain wants sustainable fisheries round its shores, it will have to turn to these for the fish suppers of the future, they add. <Read more here> 15:03
Statement Regarding New Information Showing Continued Decline of Gulf of Maine Cod Stock
As part of our work to monitor conditions of fish stocks across the country, and to ensure we’re managing our nation’s fisheries in a sustainable fashion, NOAA Fisheries, working with our partners in industry and fishery councils, collects a variety of information to prepare stock assessments to evaluate the health of federally managed fish stocks.
We have prepared a stock assessment update for Gulf of Maine cod, a key fish stock for the Northeast groundfish fishery. Unfortunately the news is not good. The new analysis presents a grim picture for the potential recovery of this iconic fish stock.
Terry Stockwell’s Friday response to the NEFSC is provided below.
New England Fishery Management Council Response The receipt of more bad news about the condition of Gulf of Maine cod is of serious concern to all New England Fishery Management Council members. Over the years, as this stock has continued to decline, the Council has repeatedly cut cod catches to promote stock rebuilding. At the same time, we have been very aware of the huge economic consequences shouldered by the fishing industry. As such, we are extremely disheartened about the current situation reported to us by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. We will continue to work closely with them as briefings, discussions about a peer review, and other plans are developed in order to promote a coherent response to the situation. The Council remains committed to its NOAA partners and the regional fishing community as we address this daunting challenge.
Mr. E.F. “Terry” Stockwell
Chairman, New England Fishery Management Council
50 Water Street, Mill 2
Newburyport, MA 01950
If this latest news is accurate, then at what point can we stop treating our Gulf of Maine cod as a directed fishery species, & let it become an incidental catch? Then perhaps we could allow those boats access to access other species without using cod as a choke species. You can’t have it both ways, if the species aren’t here they will at some point become someone else’s rebuilding problem species, & our incidental catches won’t really affect their rebuilding.
Oh, by the way- the red gurnard is just another species of our sea robin. Hard to imagine using their fillets as a replacement for cod fillets…
Jim Kendall-NBSC