Gig Harbor’s iconic F/V Shenandoah is listed on the Washington State Historic Register

Gig Harbor’s historic fishing vessel Shenandoah has won a berth on the Washington State Historic Register. In a vote taken last Tuesday, June 27, the state Department of Archaeology and Historical Preservation agreed to accept the 97-year-old purse seiner as an “historical object” worthy of preservation. “With this listing it, becomes eligible for more potential grant funding.” The 64-foot Shenandoah was build in 1924 at Gig Harbor’s Skansie Shipyard, during what historians now call the “golden age” of purse seiner construction. (It was named for a popular airship, not the river.) The Purse Seiner Shenandoah is a classic example of a wood-hulled Puget Sound purse seiner from the early to mid-twentieth century. >click to read< 22:02
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