Right whale coalition calls for moratorium of offshore wind farm turbines

A local citizens group has announced the creation of the Save Right Whales Coalition, which is determined to stop offshore wind turbine projects that members say could harm whales. “Any species whose numbers are this low requires that we not take any additional action that could harm these whales,” political and environmental author and activist Michael Shellenberger said of the endangered North Atlantic right whales. “Particularly given that we have an abundance of nuclear and natural gas resources that would provide a sufficient alternative to these large industrial wind turbines.” >click to read< 13:49
A Right Whale article that was posted here a month or two ago. Spoke of tracking and mapping the Right Whale movements off the N.E. coast… I ‘d like to see the Tracking that took place before they made it to Cape Cod Bay this past spring??? I understand they were abundant!!! How did they get past Block Island??? Oh, and how many of the Wind Turbines were functional???
This is about the Block Island Wind Farm… See what they have to say about Whale migrations and the European Wind Farms!!!
P.S. They have never seen a significant Whale Migration in these areas!!!