Harvesters Warn of ‘Dire Effects’ as Minister Aims to Protect Fish Stocks from Climate Disruption

A recent appearance by Fisheries Minister Joyce Murray at an industry annual meeting has set off a sea squall of controversy, with harvesters and unions warning of the “dire social and economic effects” of federal catch limits and Murray stressing her interest in keeping fish stocks sustainable in an era of climate disruption. The unions representing fish harvesters on Canada’s east and west coasts claim her remarks to the annual general meeting of the Canadian Independent Fish Harvesters Federation (CIFHF) reflected a “singular focus on ocean conservation” at the cost of workers whose livelihoods rely on the fishery industry. >click to read< 15:38
Each Fishery Minister is worst than the previous minister. The fishery in Atlantic Canada has been destroyed by Federal Fisheries Department. Canada needs a Minister who either has a background in fishery or is willing to listen to fish harvesters. We need a Minister who is at the center of the road or a little to the right of it.
The crazy runs deep with this one
The ideology of the environmentalists, and can’t think for themself politician opportunists, implanted by the agenda driven scientists are destroying everything they touch. Cut off the fish harvesters and allow predators to flourish, with no limits? We need big political changes before we starve and freeze to death. Offshore wind farms, the “fuel” of choice, ain’t gonna cut it! Time for a political cull of the inept!
Well said sir! A worldwide political cull has been in order for a long time. Time to rid ourselves off these self serving corrupt empty suits.