Lobstermen who harvest federal waters will be required to install electronic trackers
East Coast lobster and Jonah Crab fishermen who harvest federal waters will be required to install electronic trackers on their boats, giving federal regulators unprecedented detail on where fishing activity is taking place. A vote by the regional American Lobster Management Board approved the measure Thursday. Ware and the co-chair of the Maine Legislature’s Marine Resources Committee, Democratic Senator David Mirament, voted for the measure, over objections from the third member of Maine’s delegation, lobsterman Steve Train. >click to read< 09:32
But in the end, the caucuses of each of the 11 Atlantic states voted in favor of the measure, and it will go into effect in late 2023.
11 traitors of freedom loving Americans.
As I’ve been saying, when injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. We are loosing our rights and our nation at an alarming rate
IF anyone needs tracked, it is the politicians. Ask Madison Cawthorne. He let the cat out of the bag. Also, give the pols lie detectors. How come they enter office & upon leaving amass fortunes? Sellouts.