Letter to the Editor: Stan Fox writes in about lobstering regulations and whales

I am 73 years-old and hold a non-commercial (NC) lobster license. NC licensees are limited to five traps, and the lobsters caught cannot be sold. Today, traps cost roughly $100 each; that is to say, I have $500 invested my gear – that’s nothing. A commercial lobsterman, however, fishing the 800-trap limit will have invested $80,000. To save the whales, I have seen that the ropeless traps proposed cost $4000 apiece and they require special on-board electronics. Instead of $500, my traps would cost $20,000, an untenable price for me. But for the commercial lobsterman with 800 traps, the cost would be $3.2 million dollars! Perhaps someone will come up with less costly technology, but for now it seems that someone wants to put lobstermen out of business. >click to read< 12:10
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