A Vision for My Polis

My “Vision for My Polis” is still fresh. Indeed, subsequent studies have revealed that my “Vision for My Polis,” with minor adaptations, would serve many other communities very well. That vision includes recommendations for physical developments that are (mostly) specific to Gloucester. The core of that vision, however, is concerned with social and economic relations that are of widespread interest. The core of that vision is concerned with the rejuvenation of the fishing industry in Gloucester. As current Mayor Greg Verga is fond of pointing out: The fishing industry is not dead, it is changing. This transformation would become more evident if we were to create a corporation to be named perhaps Gloucester Fish Inc. in accordance with principles of functional integration enunciated in “Fisheries Renewal: A Renewal of the Soul of Business.” >click to read< By Carmine Gorga, PhD 15:35
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