Norwegian trawlers could be given ‘unfettered access’ to Irish waters

Talks resume this week over whether Ireland will be forced by the EU to allow Norway “unfettered” access to our fishing waters. The deal could be struck by the EU despite Irish objections so that other EU countries could have greater access to Norway’s cod stocks in return. The fishing industry here is still reeling from having quotas slashed by the Brexit Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA). That led to cuts to the amount of fish Irish fishers could catch being agreed between the Government and the EU. However, while Ireland’s quota cut helped the TCA over the line, the deal has made it harder for Irish fishers to earn a living. >click to read< 11:27
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NILS STOLPE: The New England groundfish debacle (Part IV): Is cutting back harvest really the answer?
While it’s a fact that’s hardly ever acknowledged, the assumption in fisheries management is that if the population of a stock of fish isn’t at some arbitrary level, it’s because of too much fishing. Hence the term “overfished.” Hence the mandated knee jerk reaction of the fisheries managers to not enough fish; cut back on fishing. What of other factors? They don’t count. It’s all about fishing, because fishing is all that the managers can control; it’s their Maslow’s Hammer. When it comes to the oceans it seems as if it’s about all that the industry connected mega-foundations that support the anti-fishing ENGOs with hundreds of millions of dollars a year in “donations” are interested in controlling. Read the article here
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