Mass Fishermen, do you remember when the delegation asked Gov. Patrick to talk to the President? He did! About Cape Wind!!
Nantucket Sound is home to several species of endangered and protected birds and marine mammals and has been designated an Essential Fish Habitat. Cape Wind’s construction and operations would threaten this rich and fragile environment· Located in an area with more than 200 days of fog per year and quickly changing weather, Cape Wind would create significant navigational hazards for thousands of commercial and,,, For example, a June 24, 2011, email (acquired through APNS FOIA requests) describes a request by the White House to include Cape Wind in an economic briefing for the President on the loan guarantee program: “The WH was very direct about what should be included in the slides so we don’t have much flexibility.” The email specifically stated that the White House wanted: “1 slide on status of Cape Wind (because he [the President] has heard from Gov. Patrick a few times – they are close friends).”
F-ing Amazing.
After more than a decade, Cape Wind lacks Bankable Wind Turbines, a federal loan guarantee, financing, and is hobbled by five lawsuits now in federal court. This is good news if the goal is reliable energy at a cost that’s commercially reasonable.
As Cape Wind poses a threat to the fishing industry, according to fishing industry representatives’ comments to the feds, it can be reasonably stated that Cape Wind poses a threat to our food source.
MA Audubon staff scientists arrived at up to 6,600 avian mortalities per year by Cape Wind in their testimony to federal regulators. That’s up to 6,600 violations of strict liability criminal statutes per year by Cape Wind.
Patrick and Obama have in common a gambling problem with OPM.