A lament of whales and windmills

So, today my wife and I went to a memorial service for Ms. Corrine Damon (a faithful servant of the Lord). A friend from church (Len Wolfe) asked if I would look into what is going on with the wind turbine generator site exploration and construction and its impacts on marine life and their habitats. Len was mainly concerned with the many Humpback whales washing up on the northeast coastal areas (especially around the New Jersey coastline). It affects the fisheries all the way up through Maine, and politics (and industry money) are the deciding factors in the equation. One website on Youtube named “Will Offshore Wind Harm Marine Life” by a group called “The Maine Reset” shows that some of the construction areas will have “Wind Farms” with as few as a dozen of these rigs set up (with these massive chains intertwined underneath each other). >click to read< 12:19
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